1.) Formula Dispenser
This dispenser has three compartments and at 1/4 of the regular price, you can't go wrong. If you have a formula fed baby, this is a must have.
2.) Diaper disposal sacks
Even though I have and use a diaper genie on a regular basis, I still like to keep a box of these bags around. They are great for particularly disgusting diapers that might leak in the diaper genie. I also keep a handful rolled up in my diaper bag. No need to buy one of those clip on diaper bag dispensers for on the go diapering. I even use these for putting wet items in after accidents (potty training brings about wet clothes and it's gross) or wet bathing suits after the pool or beach in the summer. When you get 75 bags for just a dollar, you can't beat it. The closest price comparison I could find was 50 bags for $4.99 at Babies R Us, so clearly Dollar Tree is the way to go.
3.) Bath Kneeling Pad
I have never understood why people pay $16 for a cutesy bath tub kneeler. Sure this pink with polka dots isn't as cute as the SkipHop whale, but to me this is something I put away after the bath so I don't need it to look cute in my bathroom. My Dollar Tree always has these in the baby section, but if you can't find them in your Dollar Tree you can also get it in any gardening section. Save your knees AND your wallet!
4.) Lidless snack cup
These snack holders are great for older kids, especially in the car. And at about 1/5 the price of the big box stores, it's a steal!
5.) Outlet Covers
This exact same product by the Safety First brand is $2.99. Grab a pack, even if you have an infant who is not old enough to require baby proofing. You never know when the Dollar Tree will stop carrying a product and this one is a must have! At that price, you can grab a pack for Grandma & Grandpa's house as well and still come out ahead.
After taking pictures of some of my favorite steals (btw there are tons more) for you guys I took one more shot of the wall of Sesame Street products. There are some super cute items and I think they would make great filler for a baby shower gift as well. I picked up the brush and comb set with Cookie Monster for my 3 month old and the quality is really quite good. Not to mention that the Cookie Monster character on it is adorable.